Thursday, August 12, 2004

Returning to Humdrum

I'm back in body but not exactly mind, as the past two days I have not slept in the presence of snoring, international spirits and thieves I have tossed and turned due to jetlag. Within a couple of days, things should be on the up and up.

To encapsulate 28 days in the form of a couple of paragraphs would be quite daunting, especially for 7 am. However, I will say that Berlin has bees and bunnies instead of flies and squirrels, Hungarian women are not the Babushkas I expected and Paris is the dirtiest and most beautiful city in the world. We hiked the foothills of the Swiss Alps, stumbled along the canals of Amsterdam and waded in thermal baths with Magyars.

Most of these scenes can be viewed in the link to the right. More will be added as the days go on.

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